The COVID “vaccines” are still experimental. If you allow yourself to be injected with one, you are participating in a clinical trial. You are the lab rat.
If you’ve already been injected with a so-called COVID vaccine, please accept my condolences. If you’re a pilot and you’ve not yet been injected, but are considering it, then you owe it to yourself to consider these reasons why you should opt out.
But first, let’s talk about risk. As pilots, we know that the safe outcome of every flight depends on our ability to conduct a critical, thorough, and objective risk assessment. From the start of the “plandemic,” I’ve approached any decision related to COVID from this perspective, especially as it relates to running my business. We’ve never worn masks around here because there has never been any credible scientific evidence to support this practice, and wearing cloth masks while flying introduces unnecessary operational risks. Holladay Aviation instructors have collectively delivered nearly 10,000 hours of flight and ground instruction since January 1, 2020, all without masks, most with less than six feet of “social distance,” and nobody has ended up in the hospital or died “with COVID” as a result. We mind our manners, wash our hands, stay home when we’re not feeling well, and have not had any problems. Same as always.
The Federal Aviation Regulations require pilots to seek “all available information” to determine whether a flight can be conducted safely. It’s a tall order but one I take quite seriously, and you should too. Pilots who fail to do this often end up as a smoking hole in the ground and the subject of an NTSB report. Getting your health information from a talking head on TV is akin to getting your “weather briefing” by looking out the window but failing to contact FAA Flight Service. You are missing critical information that could affect the safe outcome of the flight.
In my opinion, pilots who get injected with an experimental COVID “vaccine” are taking an unnecessary risk, both for themselves and for their passengers. The virus itself poses little risk, but the immediate and long-term risks of the experimental injections are not yet known. If you’re healthy enough to hold a FAA medical certificate, and feel healthy enough to fly an airplane, then your risk of getting very sick or dying if you contract COVID-19 (or any other virus for that matter) is extremely low. So why risk your health, your medical and career by injecting yourself with an experimental substance that probably won’t save you from getting a virus that poses little risk to you in the first place?
On December 11, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for emergency use of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID‑19 Vaccine “for the prevention of COVID-19 for individuals 16 years of age and older,” with the caveat that “a Phase 3 randomized and placebo-controlled trial using BNT162b2 in approximately 44,000 participants is currently ongoing to evaluate the vaccine’s safety and efficacy.” On May 10, 2021, they re-upped the EUA to allow kids 12 and older to receive it, with the caveat: “It is an investigational vaccine not licensed for any indication.”
Let’s pause and think about that for a minute. Imagine that instead of talking about a vaccine, we are talking about an airplane. It took Cirrus Aircraft four years to design, develop, test, and receive FAA approval for the SR20. Yet Pfizer got its product to market in just a few months because the government felt it was an “emergency.” The FDA stated that one of the three criteria for issuance of the Pfizer EUA was that “there is no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the emergency use of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID‑19 Vaccine to prevent COVID-19.” That is partly and patently false. There are numerous adequate, safe and available treatments for COVID — hydroxychloroquine, zinc and ivermectin to name a few — but none of them are specifally authorized by the FDA for treating COVID. If they were, the lucrative vaccine would have been dead in the water.
I was extremely concerned when I learned that Delta Airlines will require all new hires to show proof of COVID vaccination. Based on mounting reports coming out of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, I have serious, legitimate concerns that pilots could suffer sudden blood clots, strokes or other adverse events days or even weeks after the injections. The FAA currently requires pilots to wait 48 hours after receiving a COVID “vaccine” before flying, but recommends only a 30-minute delay after receiving a flu shot. Makes you wonder. Given all this, I’d feel much safer driving or flying myself to my destination. Plus, I’d rather poke myself in the eye with a pencil than wear a useless mask in an airport and on an airline flight. No thanks. I’ll pack my family up in my Cessna and get where I need to go, on my own terms.
While Delta, their Atlanta-based neighbors at CNN and other mainstream media outlets continue to serve up COVID related fear and propaganda, I’ve done my job as a pilot and have sought all available information on the subject. My pilot-in-command decision is to avoid the “vaccines” like a level five thunderstorm.
Here are a few important facts related to the shots, courtesy of America’s Frontline Doctors:
- You do not need to be vaccinated if you have already contracted COVID. Sen. Rand Paul, who is also a doctor, has refused to get vaccinated for this reason.
- The “vaccine” may make you sicker than if you hadn’t taken it. The vaccine may cause a paradoxical reaction, called ADE (Antibody-Dependent Enhancement). These enhanced antibodies are extremely dangerous to people as they actually help the virus get into the cell! If the vaccinated person with ADE is later exposed to the virus, they will have a much more serious reaction than if they hadn’t taken the vaccine.
- Inflammation at the placenta of pregnant women who receive the vaccine have been reported. Caution if you desire future pregnancies.
- There are effective, safe, affordable prevention and treatment medications for COVID.
- According to the CDC, the chance of surviving a COVID infection without any treatment at all: age 0-19 (99.997%) 20-50 (99.98%) 50-69 (99.5%) and >age 70 (95%.) 80% of deaths are over the age of 70 with an average of 2.6 other serious medical conditions. Only 6% of deaths occur in persons without known serious problems.
- The known risks of vaccines can be serious.
Tucker Carlson: How many Americans have died after taking COVID vaccines?
“Between late December of 2020, and last month, a total of 3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccines in the United States. That is 17 times more deaths every year than from the flu vaccine.”
The bottom line is this: When it comes to the COVID “vaccines,” we simply don’t know what we don’t know yet. If you’re healthy enough to fly an airplane, the risk of the injection is not worth any advertised reward.