Dana Holladay
Dana HolladayChief Instructor
Dana Holladay has logged more than 14,000 flight hours, including nearly 12,000 hours of instruction given.
Meredith Holladay
Meredith HolladaySenior Instructor
Meredith Holladay has logged more than 5,900 flight hours, most of which were spent teaching others how to fly. She enjoys flying the Cub with Dana, and serves as the company office manager.
David Boyer
David BoyerInstructor
David joined the Holladay Aviation team as a CFI in August 2021, and soon added his CFII credentials. David is a former fitness instructor and construction worker.
Noah Proctor
Noah ProctorInstructor
Noah joined the Holladay Aviation team as a CFII in September 2023. He graduated from the University of North Florida in 2022 with a degree in finance.
Will Howington
Will HowingtonInstructor
Will joined the Holladay Aviation team as a CFI in December 2023. He graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University with a degree in aeronautical science and completed his flight instructor certificate training here at Holladay Aviation.
Thad Towner
Thad TownerInstructor
Thad was born and raised in Jacksonville and received his associates’ degree at FSCJ while pursuing all of his flight training here at Holladay Aviation. He joined the team in April 2024.

All of our maintenance is conducted in-house by Tim Godwin and the team at Eagle Aircraft Maintenance.