Engine Start and Ramp Exit
Do not start the engine of your aircraft in the area marked with the red X. Your aircraft must be beyond the red line, in the area marked with the green lines. It is critical that your throttle is at IDLE during and after engine start. Use the minimal power required to slowly taxi out of the ramp area.
Return to Ramp and Engine Shut Down
Upon returning to our ramp, you may pull straight ahead into one of the five green spots depicted. If there is another aircraft in your way, pull behind that aircraft and shut down. DO NOT under ANY circumstance turn your aircraft 180 degrees (red arrows) as this can blow prop wash into a hangar, even from a distance. DO NOT under ANY circumstance maneuver your aircraft in front of the Sky Life Elite hangars (adjacent to the dumpster, left corner of the photo). After the aircraft engine has been secured, exit your aircraft and use a tow bar to reposition your aircraft to an open space in front of the Holladay Aviation hangars. If no suitable space is available, request assistance from Holladay Aviation staff member.